Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sorting out how to use Spring Security again

It had been a while since I read about Spring Security. Now that I was trying to create a new booking I had to retrieve the currently logged in user to be able to add the new booking to that user's bookings. So I thought I'd just slap a <global-method-security secured-annotation="enabled" /> in my application-security.xml and then add a @Secured("ROLE_USER") on my method that was mapped to ("/") and Spring should pop up a login form for me when accessing that URL. But unfortunately it didn't work that easily. The page showed up just like before, with no login form in sight. So I went back to reading the Spring Security manual and looking for some posts on Spring's forums and after a while I noticed that other people had solved similar problems by putting the global-method-security element in the same xml file as the one where they set up their Controller beans. Since I use the component-scan element to automatically instantiate my @Controller-annotated classes in my servletname-servlet.xml file, I thought I'd just move the global-method-security element to that file. At first I got a long spew of exceptions and call traces, but that was just related to some incorrectly configured xml namespaces. When I sorted that out Spring Security finally worked.

The exercise also straightened out one misconception I had about spring. I thought the DispatcherServlet's servletname-servlet.xml file created a new application context that was separate from the WebApplicationContext which Spring's context loader sets up. But then I found this in the Spring manual "In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext." However I still don't understand why the DispatcherServlet context didn't inherit the global-method-security element from my WebApplicationContext which contained my security beans.

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