I've been delayed in doing any actual work on my first java EE web app because of web framework problems. I gave up on trying to get a definite answer on how @PersistenceContext works and thought I'd just try to see if I could get Jersey Resource backed by an EntityManager to work and output some hello world stuff. After correcting a few configuration mistakes I got some weird exceptions. I found some mailing list discussion that indicated that I was mixing different versions of spring modules. I was a bit surprised because I remember picking the 3.0.X version on all my modules. However it turned out that my jersey-spring integration library depended on a module called spring which was at version 2.5.6. Unfortunately Jersey doesn't have an IRC channel so I wasn't really able to verify if this was causing the problem.
So I did what I was trying to avoid doing. I tried switching to Spring MVC. I had understood it had support for "restful" URLs. After a while though I noticed that you are not supposed to use /* as the url-pattern for Spring's DispatcherServlet because the views are resolved through the DispatcherServlet. This means that if you try to redirect to /WEB-INF/jsp/myresource_show.jsp for example, DispatcherServlet will try to match that URL to a Controller. Since you probably haven't defined this as the mapping for a Controller you will get a No mapping found error. This also means that the DispatcherServlet will attempt to map all static files (images, css, javascript) to Controllers. This is probably because Spring isn't that different from Struts as I had hoped for, and it wants you to suffix actions with something silly like ".do". But I don't want to do that. Another solution is putting your resources in a special resources subdir and putting that as your url-pattern for DispatcherServlet. Alternatively you should be able to do create some sort of elaborate url-rewriting scheme. Uuugh. Why couldn't just jersey-spring play nicely?
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