Friday, May 13, 2011

Deploying a Django app with Apache and mod_wsgi

At work recently I've been deploying a small Django app. It's taken quite a long time. Most of the time things have been moving forward nicely but every now and then there has been some misleading detail in some instruction which has made me stand in place for a long time.

In a nutshell (on Ubuntu)

  • Apache needs the mod_wsgi module

  • Use the WSGIScriptAlias directive to point to the location of your project's .wsgi file

  • Point to your settings in the .wsgi file

This procedure is described in How to use Django with Apache and mod_wsgi


  1. I used virtualenv to prevent the installed modules from conflicting with other modules. This meant I had to follow the Virtual Environments section of mod_wsgi's wiki. You don't have to follow these instructions precisely. The instructions are aimed at preventing system-wide modules from shadowing/overriding modules in your virtualenv. Simply using site.addsitedir with the virtualenv's site packages directory worked for me.

  2. NOTE! The instructions in Django's docs also neglected to mention that you have to append two paths to your sys.path. You have to append both your project's path as well as the project's parent's path. If you don't add the parent you can't specify os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] prefixed with your project's name. If you don't add the project itself you can't import the apps inside it.

  3. The server that was going to run the web app only had Python 2.4 installed. I wanted to make sure that my development environment would be reasonably close to the production environment. Installing an older version of python was very easy. All you had to do was use make altinstall instead of make install. However, now you also need to compile the mod_wsgi module manually. You use the --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.4 configure flag to specify which version to compile for. Then when you make the module it ends up in a hidden .libs folder. Move it from there to Apache's modules folder. I chose to rename it to or something so it wouldn't overwrite the module installed by apt-get earlier. Check some .load file from your /etc/apache2/mods-available/ for reference. Then you can add your own wsgi_2.4.load and wsgi_2.4.conf files to mods-available and use a2enmod to enable it. Now since you are using your own vintage Python version you have to additionally use the WSGIPythonHome /usr/local/ (or something, my mind is a bit unsure of this detail at the moment) directive to specify the prefix to your Python installation.

  4. Finally if you are serving static content (css, images, js etc.) you should be doing that straight with your web server instead of through Django. Django has a very nice app called django.contrib.staticfiles which through adding STATIC_URL to your file, adding django.core.context_processors.static to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and prefixing your static urls with {{ STATIC_URL }} allows you to easily serve files with runserver. Then for production use you will want to set up the STATIC_ROOT variable in, put application-specific media in a static folder and run collectstatic to have all your media files transferred into the STATIC_ROOT. Now you can serve the files from this location by using the Alias directive in Apache for example.

I felt way more l33t when I had to set up the 2.4 version of Python manually than by simply installing everything through apt-get like a n00b.

Google Nexus S

Earlier this week I finally decided to upgrade my old Nokia E51 to an Android phone. Iphones are cool and all, but as a programmer who would like to make some apps of my own, it would be too much to have to both get a Mac and learn objective C as well as iCocoa-whatever-it's-called. You can even code Python on the android!

I think I bought the E51 around 2007-2008. It was good enough for some basic web surfing and worked excellent as a mobile broadband device on train trips at least. However, for a long time I've felt inferior to all the smart phone owners.

I'll get the minor problems I've had out of the way first, so I can end on a positive note. The wlan at the office has been very weak. It has seemed to work fine in my wlan at home though. I was able to download some of my Spotify playlists without problems. Also Angry Birds crashed during start-up and after that there was some bug that shifted the whole set of levels one step down, so I had to reset the game's data.

Apart from these problems, I've been very satisfied with the Nexus S so far. The jump in web browsing convenience from the E51 is huge. The UI is very smooth. One of the reviews I read before getting the phone mentioned something about slight delays in the UI, but I haven't noticed anything. Setting up e-mail was incredibly easy. I guess it helps that I use gmail both for my personal e-mails and for my work e-mail. Now I get nice little notifications every time I get an e-mail to either of them.

There are a lot of nice touches too. I like the effect when the screen is turned off which looks a bit like an older TV screen being turned off. There were some pretty nice blip and blop message notification sounds to choose from.

There are still many areas I haven't explored that much yet. I have only tried taking two pictures so far. Both of which seemed perfectly fine. I haven't tried tracking that much with the GPS yet. There are still a lot of settings to explore. Today, for example, I figured out that it was possible to easily switch between languages while typing an SMS. Another thing which is a bit unclear is how to tell which apps can show a widget with extra information on the home screen.

I've only downloaded free apps so far, so I don't know if you can buy apps without a credit card in Finland yet. Not that it matters that much to me. I have to say I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the crap apps in the app market though. I would much rather have an app market which is free from Coder Joe's MyFirstAndroidApp which is either a crappy clone of some other game (like Angry Birds, Bejeweled or Tetris) or some lame memory game with naughty pictures. Google, please give us a way to filter these apps out!

Well I guess that's about it. This was just supposed to be a brain dump about my initial opinion of my new awesome phone.

PS. The image entering functionality on blogspot (blogger?) is awful. I tried putting the cursor where I wanted the image to go. Press "Add Image" and both of my uploaded images go to the top of the article. No way to drag them in the Compose view. So you have to edit the hellish html to get the image where you want...