I'm working on my own Rails application during evenings at the moment just wanted to point out something I already had noticed a few months ago: most of the old technologies that made up "the web" a while ago have now been isolated through a new layer of "languages" (I hesitate to call html and css languages).
JavaScript can now be written using coffeescript. CSS can be written using sass/scss/less. HTML can be written using haml. Now there might have already been replacement technologies for all these areas a long time (don't know too much about alternative browser languages), but now it's really feeling like these technologies are good enough to be used in real projects.
My Rails application is going to attempt to use all of them. While I think haml is nice and clean and it's great to not have to type all those annoying angular braces, I'm even more excited about coffeescript and scss. As most people who take the time to learn JavaScript notice, it actually has some really good parts but it's bogged down by some pretty last-millennium syntax and some really awkward design and implementation mistakes. On the other hand, I think coffeescript has the nicest syntax of all languages at the moment.
I haven't really used the CSS replacements that much yet. Layout and design aren't my strongest areas. However in nearly every web application I've worked on so far, the CSS has been very messy. I'm hoping that scss might help alleviate this problem.