Wednesday, May 20, 2009


In this blog I'm gonna try to stick to rather geeky topics. I'm expecting mostly to blog about various technical problems I may solve that are related to programming, Ubuntu and Windows Vista. I may write some occasional random review-style posts about games or tech products too. There are a few purposes for doing this. The first is that I might help other people with a similar problem to me who by some accident stumble onto one of my posts through google or something. The second purpose is for me to record the solutions for myself. The thing that prompted me to start this blog was that I had re-installed Ubuntu on my eee PC and had to try to recreate my ultra compact version of Firefox which I had customized with the aid of some hard google search work a few months ago. Finally I'm getting close to looking for a job soon and thought that a blog which introduces my way of solving problems might be useful to show off to a prospective employer. I'm not expecting a lot of traffic but it would be interesting to me if any readers who found one of my posts helpful posted a comment to notify me about that. Enjoy your stay.